The following terms and conditions apply to all sales transactions (goods and services) with Calomax
Ltd. Placing an order indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. Please read them
All prices quoted are subject to revision at any time. Prices shown in our price lists are exclusive of
Value Added Tax.
If due to an error or omission the price published for the goods is incorrect, Calomax Ltd reserves the
right to adjust the price. We will inform you of the correct price and give you the opportunity to cancel
the order.
Where carriage is chargeable, it is shown on our quotation, order acknowledgement and invoice.
Promise of delivery is made in good faith but without obligation of penalty or guarantee. Deliveries
may be delayed for many reasons beyond our control.
Damage to goods must be notified to us and to the Carrier within 48 hours of delivery otherwise no
claim can be accepted. Goods should be examined on arrival unless signed for “Unexamined”. In the
event of damage, a note describing the damage should be entered on the consignment note and the
goods and packing material should be held for inspection by the Carrier.
Damaged goods cannot be credited or replaced if used.
Loss of goods in transit must be reported to us within 5 days of advice of despatch.
We reserve the right to alter the design, construction, or materials of our products at any time without
A credit account may be opened if agreed and upon production of a banker’s and two trade
references. Where no account exists, goods will be despatched on receipt of payment against a proforma
Payment against account is strictly 30 days nett from invoice date.
The right is reserved to charge interest for each month payment is overdue.
Failure to comply with our credit terms may result in your account reverting to a pro-forma account.
Payment terms are clearly marked on invoices.
Any queries on invoices, including requests for proof of delivery, must be submitted by email to
accounts@calomax.co.uk within 7 days of date of invoice.
Please ensure that your customer account number is recorded on payments for identification. Please
also ensure that a remittance is sent to accounts@calomax.co.uk, so that payments can be allocated
to the correct invoice.
All credit card payments via our website are processed by Opaya (formerly Sagepay), in conformance
with PCI DSS standards to help protect businesses and shoppers from data theft and fraud. It is
mandatory for all businesses who accept card payments to comply by getting a PCI certificate.
This applies to all types of card payments: online, by mail, over the phone or using card machines.
There are 4 levels of PCI DSS compliance: Opayo has the highest level (Level 1) of PCI DSS
certification; they will process your payment on our behalf. As a result, we do not hold any of your
card details on our systems.
Please see our returns policy here
All goods are sold on the understanding that the title of the goods does not pass to the purchaser until
such time as any debt to Calomax Ltd by the purchaser has been discharged in full, regardless of
whether the debt is associated with the present transaction or otherwise.
We undertake to replace or repair, free of charge, any parts which are found to be
faulty within 24 months of the date of dispatch from our factory. This excludes fair wear or tear, misuse
or damage caused by faulty installations. We cannot accept responsibility for equipment or parts
damaged by limescale.
Our liability is limited to the replacement of goods and not for any consequential loss incurred. All goods
subject to claims under this warranty must be returned to us for inspection.
During the first year of the warranty period, we will attempt to undertake any repairs at our own expense,
but this will depend upon the availability of a suitably experienced Service Partner in your area.
Hard water can create limescale in boilers. It is your responsibility to check your area for water
hardness and take the appropriate action to protect and maintain the equipment by regular de-scaling.
Service calls resulting from limescale build up are not covered by warranty.
The installation and use of Calomax boilers is the responsibility of the purchaser and user. Calomax
Ltd takes no responsibility for damage caused by inappropriate installation or use of our products.
All personal data is stored securely in accordance with the principles of the General Data Protection
Regulation. Calomax Ltd acts as a controller of your personal data. We take your privacy very
seriously and we will only use your personal information to fulfil our contract obligations with you. We
collect only the data that is necessary for that purpose. Calomax Ltd does not store any sensitive
personal data about you.
Our Privacy Statement can be found here
Calomax Limited, Leeds, October 2020
© Calomax Limited 2023 - Catering Hot Water Boilers. Registered in England No. 02617748 Registered Office: Lupton Avenue, Leeds, LS9 7DD VAT REG No. G.B. 168 9432 22